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Burton Law LLC Update and Policies Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Writer's picture: Thomas B. BurtonThomas B. Burton

Attorney Thomas B. Burton announces new firm policies and procedures during the (COVID-19) Coronavirus pandemic in the United States and discusses ways his firm will work with clients during this time.

Transcript of Video: Burton Law LLC Update and Policies Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is attorney Thomas B Burton today I

wanted to talk about some steps my

office is taking in response to the

recent COVID-19 epidemic pandemic

worldwide and in the USA

commonly known as Coronavirus because

we work with many kinds of all age

groups I am being especially sensitive

to try to protect those older adults who

are at most at risk of the effects of

this disease first of all if you have a

meeting scheduled with my office and you

are at all feeling ill please let my

office know at least 12 hours in advance

of your meeting and we will work to

reschedule your meeting

or hold it virtually by videoconference

or by phone if you can give us 24 hours

notice that's even better

but before you come into the office

please let us know by email or phone and

we will work with you to reschedule your

meeting or hold it by phone or by


my office is fully equipped to operate

virtually and remotely with most clients

for most matters so if you have

questions about using technology to

conference with me via video or by phone

please send those in by email and we'll

answer them as they come in and work to

assist you to use either your own

personal computer or your mobile device

to connect with us via either Skype or

Zoom or a phone conference second for

documents we ask that you use U.S. mail as

much as possible to return documents to

our office in order to limit

person-to-person contact during this

time in order to protect the staff who

work with me if at all possible if

you're returning something requested if

you can scan it to me by email that's

great if you don't know how to scan it

to me the second best option is

mail it to my office and I will receive

it in two to three days another option

would be you could fax it to me I also

allow you to drop document off but

during this time it would be better if

you can use U.S. mail or scanning those

documents to me then I can fully review

them and get back to you and again we

can discuss them via phone or video

conference for all meetings going

forward that are currently scheduled

we'll plan to hold your meeting unless

you are feeling at all ill in which case

I ask you to notify the office in

advance this is a developing situation

so we may update our policies consistent

with CDC guidelines and directives from

the state of Wisconsin and the court

system so I wanted to provide this brief

overview of things we're doing to

protect both our clients and our staff

and ourselves during this time we want

you to be well we are fully available

and operational and again my office is

already equipped to work with you

remotely so during this time we don't

anticipate any major interruptions to

the work on your case if you have any

questions about any of this please

contact the office by email preferred or

set up a time to discuss with me by

phone thank you and have a great day.

© 2020 Burton Law LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Transcript and captions provided for ease of access for the hearing impaired.

For questions about this topic, please contact my office.

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