Burton Law LLC

Burton Law LLC
310 Pinnacle Way, Suite 301
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Click here for Directions and Parking Information with turn by turn directions and photos to guide you so you can enjoy our free complimentary covered parking when visiting our Eau Claire office. Why park outside in the snow or rain when you can enjoy free covered parking during your visit?
Contacting My Office:
Please feel free to contact me regarding your legal questions and the services I provide. My telephone and fax numbers are listed on the right, and you may send me an email by clicking on the "Send Email" button or by using the contact form below my telephone number.
My regular office hours are Tuesday-Thursday from 9:00-5:00 p.m. CST however you may email or call at any time and leave a message. Often the best way to reach me is to send me an email so that we can schedule a good time to discuss your issue in person, by phone, or via email, whichever works best for you. Because I have client meetings and events during the day, if you call without an appointment, you will often speak to my receptionist, but rest assured the message will get to me. Please visit my Consultations page for more information on booking a Consultation.

You can always send my office a check to square your bill at the mailing address listed on the left above. Paying by check saves my office on paying credit card processing fees, so I appreciate you using this option when possible.
If you would like to pay online, I use Paypal as a secure online payment processing service. If you would like to pay your bill online, simply click the "Buy Now" button below, enter the amount owed in the "Price" field, and confirm your payment. Thank you!
Office: 1-715-575-9732

Fax: 1-715-575-9738