Attorney Thomas B. Burton announces new live video consultations to assist small businesses with the Paycheck Protection Program Loan application through the Small Business Administration. Contact Burton Law LLC today to see how you can have Attorney Thomas B. Burton act as your agent throughout the loan process, and pay nothing extra out of your own pocket. You can also schedule a phone consultation if you prefer phone over live video.
The U.S. Treasury has authorized businesses to hire attorneys and certain others as agents, and the agents' fees will be paid out of the fees the lender receives to generate the loan. Agents are allowed to collect a fee of 1% on loans of up to $350,000 so if your loan is around $50,000 or more, we are able to help you for at least an hour or two, at no extra cost to you, the small business owner. Contact the office for more information, or use the link below, to schedule a live video consult with our office.
Click the link and select "SBA Loan Consult" and you can view all the available times to schedule your 30-45 minute live SBA Loan Consultation with Attorney Thomas B. Burton. Choose your time and date and your appointment will be added to his calendar, and a confirmation email will be sent to your email address.
Transcript of Video: NEW Live SBA Loan Consultations with Burton Law LLC
Welcome Attorney Thomas Burton here if you've been following my social media post, you'll see after the last couple days I've been trying to put out videos with great legal information about the new corona virus relief loans available from the small business independent administration and you'll know that one of those is the paycheck protection program and that program is opening for lenders for new applications on Friday April 3rd, so I've been putting a lot of time into those resource videos. But I want to announce now that if you know anyone with a small business that could use help with the loan application and would need good legal counsel, you could refer them to my office and we're now offering a new online live video consultation specifically for these SBA loans, so whether it's the paycheck protection program Or the economic disaster relief loan. If you need help with this loan, please use the link in this video to set up a 30 to 45-minute video consultation where we'll walk through all the information in your specific application in a secure encrypted video conference, so this would be specific information to your situation and I'm going to continue to do these free information videos and I'm trying to just help the community as much as I can but I am also a small business and if I can help you help your business for revenue for my business, well that would be a great way we could help each other and one thing I wanted to mention is that the new guidelines from the Treasury Department today say that you can hire an agent to help you with the process and they specifically list attorney as the first agent that can be hired and again those fees would be paid out of your loan through the lender, so the lender can charge up to 5% fee on a loan under 350 thousand dollars and then my fees they would pay the lender would pay so I'm, limited to charging 1% for a loan up to $350,000 so it's probably only going to make sense for you and me to utilize me if you're thinking that you're going to be asking for a loan of about fifty thousand or more because then I could devote one or two hours to helping you and it wouldn't cost you any extra and it makes economic sense for me and if it's a larger loan amount then my fees are limited as the agent and the lender but the larger amount it would work out more hours you could do utilize me so again, I just wanted to get this out there as an announcement. I can be a service to small businesses if you watch my other videos, you know, I spent many many hours looking through all the guidance and the legislation and I feel like I could have a good grip on what's going on to help walk you through the process these applications are not meant to be super difficult but like anything with the legal world and loans and such there is a lot of legal language that governs how this is going into effect and one area I think I could be helpful is helping you with the strategy to get make sure you get that maximum loan forgiveness. So again, if you want to set up a 30 to 45 minute video consult about your SBA loan, I added that to my services in the link in this video you can book that consultation and we'll get started. So, thanks for watching. Stay safe. Be well and we'll see you next time. Welcome Attorney Thomas Burton here if you've been following my social media post, you'll see after the last couple days I've been trying to put out videos with great legal information about the new corona virus relief loans available from the small business independent administration and you'll know that one of those is the paycheck protection program and that program is opening for lenders for new applications on Friday April 3rd, so I've been putting a lot of time into those resource videos. But I want to announce now that if you know anyone with a small business that could use help with the loan application and would need good legal counsel, you could refer them to my office and we're now offering a new online live video consultation specifically for these SBA loans, so whether it's the paycheck protection program Or the economic disaster relief loan. If you need help with this loan, please use the link in this video to set up a 30 to 45-minute video consultation where we'll walk through all the information in your specific application in a secure encrypted video conference, so this would be specific information to your situation and I'm going to continue to do these free information videos and I'm trying to just help the community as much as I can but I am also a small business and if I can help you help your business for revenue for my business, well that would be a great way we could help each other and one thing I wanted to mention is that the new guidelines from the Treasury Department today say that you can hire an agent to help you with the process and they specifically list attorney as the first agent that can be hired and again those fees would be paid out of your loan through the lender, so the lender can charge up to 5% fee on a loan under 350 thousand dollars and then my fees they would pay the lender would pay so I'm, limited to charging 1% for a loan up to $350,000 so it's probably only going to make sense for you and me to utilize me if you're thinking that you're going to be asking for a loan of about fifty thousand or more because then I could devote one or two hours to helping you and it wouldn't cost you any extra and it makes economic sense for me and if it's a larger loan amount then my fees are limited as the agent and the lender but the larger amount it would work out more hours you could do utilize me so again, I just wanted to get this out there as an announcement. I can be a service to small businesses if you watch my other videos, you know, I spent many many hours looking through all the guidance and the legislation and I feel like I could have a good grip on what's going on to help walk you through the process these applications are not meant to be super difficult but like anything with the legal world and loans and such there is a lot of legal language that governs how this is going into effect and one area I think I could be helpful is helping you with the strategy to get make sure you get that maximum loan forgiveness. So again, if you want to set up a 30 to 45 minute video consult about your SBA loan, I added that to my services in the link in this video you can book that consultation and we'll get started. So, thanks for watching. Stay safe. Be well and we'll see you next time.
© 2020 Burton Law LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Transcript and captions provided for ease of access for the hearing impaired.
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